Thursday June 2, 2005

Candi is mean and stupid and a horrible person. No one at Motherlode should talk to her ever again. Cause she at three churros and I had none. And they were for the guests, like me, not for the lazy dishwashers like her.
Well, I made a really cool candle, it is so pretty. You should all come over and see it.
Tomorrow starts the Diggins’ at Columbia State Park, and I wish I could spend more time there. I am only going to be there from ten to eleven, and then I leave to go to my cousins wedding. I wish I didn’t have to go, I would rather stay here and go to the diggins’ tomorrow and Saturday. Oh, the Diggins’ is a really big Gold Rush town re-enactment. they basicly make a whole town, canvas roofs and all. Well I think that is it.

11 thoughts on “Thursday June 2, 2005

  1. Ducky1

    diggin’s?!?!?! AWESOME!!!!
    (just so you have some nice contrast in your comments… :-D)
    but really, that do sound pretty cool.
    and noice picture too.
    and churros… yummay… :D!
    have a good weekend, weddings nondiggins, nonchurro’d and all. 🙂

  2. IceAngelGA

    i agree with amethyst. i’ll even drive up to tennessee so you can show us both your candle without having to make two trips. see what a great person i am?? 🙂

  3. CaNdIcAiN15

    Well I worked for those churros!!…unlike guests who just sit and feed their faces and I have to watch them!…..I am not ashamed of my actions. I thoroughly enjoyed my churros. But I guess I would feel bad if you didnt get any….did you? That would be sad…for like 2 seconds then I’d move on.


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