Okay, two days after. Today was church and it was touching to see how many people cared about my well-being. It was funny to see those who didn’t know. And it was humbling seeing how many didn’t know. Well that is life.
For those who don’t know, I feel out of a truck. That was doing about 20. My feet hit first which knocked me to my back, which accelerated my head and smashed it in to the ground. What I remember was in my last post. There was about twenty minutes from when my head hit until the first ‘dream’ and then about another twenty from the first to the second. That is life and I can only praise God for what He has done.
definitely praise God!
keep safe buddy.
and have a funtastic week.
amen to stefani’s comment. and I am so glad you are okay, Andrew!
oh gosh. That’s upsetting. I prayed for you . . .
It’s weird that all these random accidents are happening. Weird I say.
Yeah. When I read your last post I was thinking about all these ways you could have gotten hurt. Like falling off a trampoline, or somehow falling out of a rolling tire, or climbing rocks…….one of those many dangerous things you guys do. I never accounted for your sitting on the back of a truck while someone was driving it.
Even the thought of you not being here with us brings tears to my eyes. I love you Andrew. You are a special man of God. I know the Lord has great things for you!
Yeah, I found out later that alot of people knew and the story evolved into me and you getting into a crazy car crash and totaling the car. How funny is that? And you missed church last night, it was crazy.
I’m very glad you’re okay, definitely a praise. My big question is how did you fall out?
So glad to hear your okay,I too was thinking up all the way you could have gotten hurt like that,glad its nothing to bad,ttyl
Two days later and I’m just now finding out. You better not jump out of moving trucks anymore. Sounds like a not-so-good idea. Scary, man! You are not invincible! Well, I’m glad you’re okay.