Tuesday May 30, 2006

An average everyday post.

The beauty of the drive.
    Summer should be here, but spring is still in her place. The coolness in the air penetrates even my stuffed up nose. I can’t smell the grass, not the flowers, or the moisture in the air, but I can taste them. My nose is longing for the dry, free flowing air of summer, and my mind is enjoying this brief respite. My car starts moving down the road, and oh the glory, oh the peace! For my car is running fine after some light maintance. The power! The smoothness! And the open road ahead of me!
    Such a perfect day, no cars in front or behind, no time constraints, and no worries. I could drive as fast or as slow as a want. I could speed around the corners at 70 mph, or take them at 20 depending on my slightest whim. What a lovely flower, let’s slow down and take a gander; Oh my favorite streach of road, let’s enjoy it.
    Only on rare days when the stars align, does a day come like this one. Could it be the rest that I got last night, my spirit waking up ready for the road an hour before my body’s needs were taken care of?
    Well, tomorrow awaits. Who knows if it shall be a good drive. Or one of lack of sleep, frustration at the time, and the bus in front of me. Tomorrow is an early day though, and on those days I tend to be a little earlier when I leave.

    As for life? It is spring, with summer close on his heels. And love? Spring brings his gifts, but his aren’t always the best. And why? Why not?

10 thoughts on “Tuesday May 30, 2006

  1. comefearlessly

    Ok I guess I do change things more often than you. Five days? No. But anywyas, ha I changed it. Glad you approve.

    Here. We are having an early summer. Hot and muggy. Though at this very moment there is a break for a some lightning, thunder, and some light rain. I’m glad for that. πŸ™‚

  2. IceAngelGA

    tooooooooooooMORROW, toMORROW, i LOVE YA, toMORROW…. ok i’ll stop singing now. Thanks so much for all the encouraging little messages on AIM and such πŸ™‚ hope to talk to you soon.

  3. the_Spirit_is_Willing

    wow. nice post; very poetic. there should be more people who write like that. neway, yeah-i sent u an email i think. and um-hmm. still doesn’t come up on the subscription list thingy? how odd. are you absolutely sure you subscribed to me? click on the button thing on my site again. or maybe 3x is the charm.

  4. the_Spirit_is_Willing

    oh yeah, and i can relate to the allergy part. as i said this morning, when i looked in the mirror, “I hatteee allllerrrgggiieeess”. This season is named the worst of allergy seasons according to weather people.


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